.: Lei da Causa e Consequencia Bufferizada :.
Not long ago, I sent an email saying that if we wait for something to become better for too long, something bad may happen to change what is wrong. Basically, thinking that hiding or protecting ourselves forever in a shell waiting that nothing will ever change is a very big mistake. In terms of balance, when one side is in a huge disadvantage, any drop of water may inflict chaos and change sides to seek for a new order. This does not apply only to our lives. From time to time any dynamic system requires changes. The sad thing is that we do very little to avoid the disordered inflation and usually wait to face the consequences. Everything would be much simpler if the rule cause and consequence could always be applied instantly, but that's not how it works. The systems are bounded by this rule, but there is a tiny little element that adds complexity to them: the buffer. When the buffer is empty that would be the ordinary cause and consequence law we are used to know.

Our health is an example of this law. Little by little we do things that is not good to our bodies and minds. It could be smoking, eating fat, ignoring exercises or living a miserable unhappy life. Fortunately our bodies can endure a long period of time but if we do nothing to regain our balance we become sick or have an explosion of mood. It is usually good to have a change. Or even better to do it all the time with small changes in the spirit, personal projects and goals. Breath new air. This prevent us from getting old and to became a dinosaur in a world that is constantly been challenged by new opportunities and youth. It is also a way to keep the buffer always low, or as simple as it could be: empty.

The Scream/Wallace Begay [link]

It is not an easy task to calculate the size of the buffer, but I guess that's not very important. Of course it would be great to know exactly when it would be the turning point, but that would represent only a false feeling of control and would not solve the problem. The point is how to identify what is demanding for changes and more importantly to have the courage and attitude to expose the situation and take an action. Sometimes we are so worried to find the solution and afraid that it is the right one that we ended up missing the turning point and the buffer ends. Sometimes just taking an action inspires the solution by simply exposing the problem. People are easily moved with feelings of cooperation, specially in countries like mine, that's a good strategy for seeking a solution. Lack of understanding and communication wastes the full potential that exist within this cooperation. Sometimes the full potential of this energy is not used because of the lack of empathy for the cause. Usually we are not alone. Knowing is the beginning and sharing is essential. Denial leads to prejudice and a chain of bad actions starts to cloud the solution.

The world's economy is suffering from the unbalanced relationship between the rich and the poor. Everyone faces the consequences, it is up to the leaders and partially their responsibility to avoid disorders to pop up. The denial of the people that something is wrong with their lifestyle, the world and their complacence to keep moving this system is everyone's problem. The more involved with this problem the more the consequence to be suffered, that's very natural and represents a good lesson to everyone.

There is also our environment that still suffers from an unbalanced relationship between our consumption and the capacity of the planet to absorb our pollution. Today I see that we live with the problem and do nothing effective to stop it, even if we are aware that it exists. So the day will come for the nature to take its action and find a new order to keep the balance in harmony. Not before a chaotic period of time where the ones involved will struggle to find a way to establish themselves on this new order.
After the consequences are the lessons learned? Some people will learn it, some won't and I guess opportunities will always be there to prove it.
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