I am feeling so... It is so hot tonight... Oh yes, I am feeling... Well, for those who did not understand I am a little bit confused, it looks like I lost an antenna. Better saying it seems like there is a cloud in front of me and my old CPU cannot execute any process. That's weird, this feeling is new. I will eat an herbal bread that my aunt baked 'cause I am starting to get hungry.
Oh, today there was a big buzzer in my window. Some of them spend years under the ground eating tree roots and after that they get out of the ground all at the same time to fool the predators. Amazing! But what is even more impressive is the caterpillar that makes the cocoon, melt inside it and turns into a completely new being, the butterfly! (...) -> See? This is was what was going on my head some minutes ago. It is good to know that everybody has a firewall against jerker. Maybe I should write a book about foolishness and maybe I will became even more stupid. Or maybe I can bring up some meaning from behind the stupidness. From the front, who cares? By the way, I read about a bald monk. When he is in a meditating state his frontal part of the brain is around 700% to 1000% happier. Regular people just can't do it! Is the happiness an state of mind? Igor must know it and I want him to know that I still have that big desire to draw a smile on the bald spot of the monk.
Este é o meu abrigo, o lugar para contemplar as minhas emoções e alimentar o meu lado introspectivo e mais sombrio.
No meu mundo, eu busco por equilíbrio e nele a alegria, tristeza, sombras e luz se fundem em uma só energia.
Aqui eu me imagino sozinho com minhas fantasias e talvez você que me visita pode não me reconhecer, mas sinta-se à vontade para explorar mais esse lado da minha mente.